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We apologise that our membership is now full and a wait list is currently in place. Below are the membership types that are available, once membership reopens. To join our waitlist, please complete the waitlist form below. Any questions, please contact Membership
STSC juniors as they get to school leaver stage
• 18 or under and at school juniors/teenagers covered by the family (couple) membership.
Over 18, no longer covered by any membership and family needs to consider best way to involve their teenager in the club. Options are.
• 18+ and at university or other student education, they should consider a “Student” membership- this provides the same level of access as a full paying adult membership. No waitlist required.
• If 18+ and not a student, they can request a change from family to full pay adult or weekday membership without the need to go on the waitlist in the transition (18-19) year.
However, miss this year they must join the waitlist.
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