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Once a junior reaches the required skill level,  they may register for junior inter-club.  Teams are selected and entered in the Canterbury junior interclub summer competition where children can compete either on a Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

If you have any questions for would like further information please either complete the form below or phone:

Annie Tainui:



Sumner Tennis & Squash Club expects great sportsmanship, a good team player and perfect tennis etiquette from all members at all times. As a team member you are expected to be committed to playing for your team every Friday or Saturday for the duration of the season. Players on stand down may be asked to fill in for another team by another manager or Junior Administrator and as a club member you are expected to do this if at all possible.
Captains/Managers are required to prepare a roster and provide this to every team member. In teams of 5, you will be on stand down every 5th week and the duty parent/supervisors will also be on a one week in 5 roster. You can swap your stand down week with team members if necessary but must advise your manager so they will always know who is playing each week. If for some genuine reason you cannot play or swap, then you must advise your manager at the earliest opportunity so that a fill-in can be arranged.



All parents are expected to take their turn on the roster. This involves transporting the team to and from the match venue and completing the results in the Interclub Handbook.
Both team names and players are to be entered in the handbook before the match commences. Results are to be signed by both captains. Handbooks will be checked at the end of the season and omissions will result in loss of points.
Like the children, parents can swap their duty on the roster to suit. If a parent is unable to supervise as scheduled, it is their individual responsibility to arrange a suitable replacement and advise the team manager accordingly. Some Friday teams, the parents will take their child to the venue. All teams must be accompanied by an adult supervisor who remains with the team for the duration of play. Parent supervisors are not permitted to advise players during a match or interfere with the scoring or playing of matches, except to intervene in the case of misconduct or a circumstance which the players cannot resolve themselves (please use common sense). Supervisors should communicate with the supervisor of the other team prior to intervening.



To ensure our players get maximum coaching time we ask that parents refrain from going on court during coaching sessions. It is a distraction for coaches and players. If you need to discuss/arrange anything with Remi or the other coaches please contact them at the end of the session. Remi can be reached either via email  or 021901168.



All players must wear appropriate tennis clothing. Shoes must be trainers/sports shoes and have non-marking soles. We require all players to wear the STSC junior tennis top. These should be worn with black or navy shorts/skirts.



The playing order is set by the players and/or coaches and must be finalised after the second week of interclub
• This CANNOT be altered by players as they wish.
• No. 1 must play in the top doubles match, and can partner any other team member.
• Playing order shall stand for the remainder of the season.



On match day you will meet at Sumner Tennis & Squash Cub (or as determined by your team manager) and the duty parent/supervisor will transport the team to the venue.
The duty parent must transport all children back to the Club unless they have gone home from the match with their own parents. All team members must stay with the team until all matches are completed.

Friday 4:30pm Boys and Girls 10’s, 12’s, 14’s and Open (15+)
Saturday 8:30am Boys and Girls 10’s and (MOST) 12’s
Saturday 10:30am Boys and Girls (SOME) 12’s, 14’s and Open (15+)
If travelling, please meet in time to travel to the venue for the start time.
The Interclub Draw is on the Canterbury Tennis website: 



Friday & Saturday 10’s and 12’s (Div. 2 & 3) First to 6 (tiebreaker at 6 all).
Friday & Saturday 14’s and Open (15+) (Div. 2 & 3) Best of 3 short sets*.
Friday 10’s (Div. 1) Best of 3 short sets*
Friday 12’s, 14’s (Div. 1) Best of 3 sets with super tie-breaker for 3rd set.
* Short sets are to be played up to 4 games with a tiebreaker up to seven at 4 all
* In the event a match is 1 set all, a super tiebreaker (up to 10 points, win by two) shall be used to
determine the winner.
* Doubles in all grades of Junior Interclub will play short deuce. The point after deuce will decide the winner
of the game. Returning team chooses which side to start the point on.
* No let rule, if the ball hits the top of the net off a serve and goes in the returner must play on.



All matches are to be umpired by the players or team members (singles matches).
Players must call their own lines. If in doubt call the ball in, points should not be replayed.



We ask all players to assist and co-operate with the managers and captains during the season. They have volunteered to assist and without them we couldn’t enter teams in the interclub competition. If requested, please make yourself available to be a fill-in for a team if you are standing down or your team has a bye.
Filling-in is really appreciated by the teams, managers and the committee.
The manager and captain are responsible for:
1. Creating a roster for parent transport and supervision.
2. Contacting each member on a weekly basis (Wed/Thur evening) to confirm availability and advise the venue and transport arrangements for the following Friday or Saturday.
3. Ensuring we have a team of at least 4 players for each interclub match and arranging fill-in players if a team member is sick or absent.
4. Ensuring the team folder, tennis handbook & balls are available for the match (if you are not playing please give these items to someone else in the team).
5. Filling out the interclub handbook, signed by both captains
6. When Sumner is the winning team entering the results in the Configure Ranking system, within 48 hours of the completion of the match. Failure to do so can result in a loss of points for the team.



All junior interclub teams will be given one new can of tennis balls at the beginning of term 4 and term 1.
Please mark the tennis balls with a S in permanent marker.



The Junior Administrator must be advised as early as possible if a team has to default. This may incur a monetary fine and a deduction of points from the defaulting team. In most instances, we are able to find fill-in players for the team in the case of genuine absences. We must advise the opposition and Tennis Canterbury with notice to avoid being charged a double penalty (points and $$). Please do not decide to default and contact the other team without going through the Junior Administrator.




Link to rules


Inter-club enquiry

Thanks for submitting!

Boy on a Tennis Court
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